UNIONE EUROPEA - Fondo Sociale Europeo - Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale
Agenzia per la Coesione Territorale
PON - Governance ricerca e innovazione
Sistemi solari termodinamici e fotovoltaici con accumulo per co-generazione e flessibilità di rete
nel banner sono riportate tecnologie solari

SOLARGRID Sistemi solari termodinamici e fotovoltaici con accumulo per co-generazione e flessibilità di rete

Il progetto SOLARGRID (Sistemi sOlari termodinamici e fotovoLtaici con Accumulo peR co-GeneRazIone e flessibilità Di rete) mira all’innovazione e all’upgrade dei componenti e dei sistemi connessi alle tecnologie Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) e Concentrating PhotoVoltaic (CPV), con l’obiettivo generale di migliorarne le prestazioni energetiche, la competitività economica e nell’ottica dell’integrazione all’interno di reti avanzate per la gestione dell’energia.

maggiori dettagli

SOLAGRID Project plans to develop innovative and improved solutions for systems and components related to Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) and Concentrated PhotoVoltaics (CPV) technologies, with the aim to enhance their energetic performances and economic competiveness in applications for distributed generation of both electric and thermal energy. In detail, the upgrading of CSP and CPV technologies and systems, already developed by the proposing subjects, will be carried out through research activities for the development and experimentation of solutions, which are advanced as compared to the current technical/scientific state of the art, with the aim to increase their technical/economic competitiveness and market penetration capacity. Moreover, the analysis, definition and development of hybrid solutions are also planned, through the integration of distributed energy storage systems, by coupling CSP and CPV technologies with poly-generation systems powered by conventional and non-conventional resources connected to the grid. These solutions will allow to increase the usability of solar-based systems in the context of distributed generation, and to increase the flexibility of electricity networks, also by provision of ancillary services. The main objectives of the project are: identification of technological improvements for the solar power generation systems under consideration; identification of the most efficient plant solutions which also include conventional generation systems, storage units as well as smart network management models, in the presence of poly-generation and cogeneration systems; development of advanced strategies for efficient, intelligent and flexible management of the source-usage process; economic and environmental sustainability assessments, based on Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), of the various proposed technologies, for identifying the most promising technology solutions in an eco-efficiency perspective. The final goal of the project is to transform the outcomes of research into concrete industrialization and market activities in order to translate the request for new technologies and components into development opportunities and competitive growth for the national industry, thereby supporting the energy transition at a reasonable costs, and offering the opportunity for new business and skilled employment in the project's reference territories.

Logo Progetto SOLARGRID


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ENEA -  logo Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile

Ing. Giorgio Graditi
Direttore Generale ENEA

Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA)
Dipartimento Tecnologie Energetiche e Fonti Rinnovabili
Centro Ricerche ENEA Portici (NA)
Viale Enrico Fermi, 1 - Località Granatello - 80055 Portici (Napoli)



Europa fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale

Il Programma Operativo Nazionale Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020 è lo strumento con il quale l'Italia contribuisce al miglioramento della qualità dell'istruzione superiore e al rafforzamento della ricerca, dello sviluppo tecnologico e dell'innovazione, realizzando gli obiettivi della politica di coesione dell'Unione europea a favore delle proprie aree territoriali più svantaggiate.
